Advice on the Development of International Projects and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
We facilitate legal mechanisms for business operations, public and private tenders in the most important sectors of the Bolivian market covering areas such as mining and metallurgy, energy, business sector, telecommunications and construction, as well as advice and accompaniment in the negotiation of contracts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Professional Team
La Paz, Bolivia
Corporate Strategies Consultants
We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals, guided by ethical and moral principles whose goal is to establish in Bolivia a practice of the science of law that allows us to generate more value, trust and transparency in the way of doing business, providing high quality professional services and true commitment to our clients.
International companies that trust us

Areas of practice

Advice on conciliation and arbitration proceedings.
Sponsorship in national and international commercial arbitration.
Experience in international investment arbitration.
Experience in investment law.

International Trade
Legal advice to companies supplying capital goods and equipment.
Legal advice and accompaniment on imports of goods, merchandise and equipment.

Corporate Advice
Incorporation of commercial companies in Bolivia.
Opening of branches of foreign companies in Bolivia.
Opening of subsidiaries throughout the national territory.
Advice on compliance with legal commercial obligations.
Legal advice to companies on compliance with legal commercial obligations.

Mining and Metallurgy
Advice on mining administrative contracts.
Experience in Mining Adequacy Process.
Specialist in commercialisation contracts.
Management of mining authorisations and licences.

Administrative Business and Regulatory Law
Advising on administrative contracts.
Negotiation of Memorandums of Understanding between private companies and the State.
Specialists in national and international public tenders.
Experts in negotiation processes of state contracts within the framework of conciliation.

Advice and negotiation in public procurement
Advice and negotiation in public procurement.
Specialists in negotiating and advising on public procurement processes.
Specialists in investment law.
Management and monitoring of national and foreign companies contracting with the State.
Bolivia is the best destination for foreign investment
News about us

Good business is possible with the right advisors.
Legal advice on how to make the best investment in Bolivia.
- Corporate Strategies Consultants -
Bolivian arbitration in the business world